May 23, 2011

Nokia launches E6 and X7, Two Smartphone with Symbian Anna

Plan for Nokia released 12 new smartphones this year, ranging realized. Two new mobile phones based on Symbian, E6 and X7 officially introduced.
The presence of these two phones depicted Jo Harlow, head of Nokia's Smart Devices business, an effort to strengthen the portfolio of Nokia smartphones. He is optimistic that the two new devices are not only attracted the attention of Nokia smartphone users, but also the first smartphone users. Including the smartphone user''competitors,''said Jo Harlow.
Just to remind, the Symbian operating system is set up by Nokia for mobile smartphone category. Thus, E6 and X7 enter the smartphone category. Reportedly the two phones will be released with 490 dollar price range.
Nokia E6 is the successor to the previous product success in global markets, the Nokia E71 and E72. One difference with the previous product is the operating system. E6-3 carrying the Symbian has renewed and Anna Symbian code.
What about the X7? X7 also carrying the Symbian Anna. XSeries family tends to put forward new features. Because the xSeries is derived from Xpres Music aka music phone.
However, the X7 Nokia giving a new touch, games. Two popular games embedded in the Galaxy on Fire X7 HD and Asphalt 5 HD games.
Both E6 and X7 has a unique design and elegant. Nokia combines premium materials such as glass and steel. Combined these two materials into new products not only look elegant and full of charm, but it feels good and sturdy when in the grip.
E6 and X7 was recorded as a duet that brings the Symbian mobile phone Anna first. New Symbian offers access speeds three times faster than its predecessor product, the more fresh icons, text input is updated, and supported by the latest Ovi Maps application. Ovi new Maps offers an update on the search feature and public transportation routes.
New Symbian also offers a variety of new features. This includes business features such as security aspects which are juxtaposed with scale enterprises through the hardware is capable of doing acceleration enksripsi and new features the full meeting request e-mail support.

This He Android Phone with 16 MP Camera

SHARP Android smartphone hit the market by presenting the Hybrid 007SH Aquos phone. This flip phone design has a 16 mega pixel camera.

When carrying the latest Aquos 16 MP camera, he inevitably became the world's first mobile phone that has a 16 MP camera. With the highest MP camera on the market today are the Nokia N8.

Phones that will be marketed through a network of Japanese Softbank has a 3.4 inch screen with a 3D stereoscopic LCD FWVGA resolution 854 × 480. Display the phone is 0.7 inch OLED.

Sharp also provide cell phone with waterproof body (waterproof body). In addition there are a number of new features - which is not often found in smartphoe -, such as digital TV tuner, digital wallet function (Felica / RFID), Micro HDMI interface, Blu-ray recorders connectivity

May 15, 2011

New fish species found in Bali

The study was conducted in 33 locations from Bukit and Nusa Dua in the south to Gilimanuk and Tulamben on the north began on 29 April 2011.
Senior adviser Mark Erdmann of Conservation International Indonesia said the research team he led was surprised with this discovery because it turns out the island of Bali has a relatively high biodiversity.
"We discovered eight new species of fish previously unknown. There are eels, there are cardinal fish, there is Dotty back, there Gobi," said Erdmann told the BBC Indonesia.
In addition, he continued, the research team also discovered a new species of coral that are determined.
Number of new invention this can also increase because there are still some newly discovered reefs but still needs to be examined further.
When asked if the new fish species endemic to the waters of Bali or may migrate from other waters, Mark Erdmann ensure that the species is typical of Bali.
"We've conducted a survey similar to this in some parts of eastern Indonesia and slightly to the west as well. And indeed this species first appeared and only in Bali," he explained. Grouper and sharks out
"So now we have to assume that this fish is a typical Balinese."
Another positive development is generally found in coral reefs now looks much healthier than the condition 20 years ago.
This recovery, continued Erdmann, occurred because fish bombing is rarely done anymore.
But on the other hand, some fish species that have commercial value crate grouper, napoleon, and the shark was gone. The research team diving for nearly 350 hours but do not often find the fish.
"We have only found three shark tails, three tail rasp napoleon, groupers and two tails. Can you imagine commercial fish caught was absolutely excessive," said Erdmann.
"We have only found three tail shark, napoleon three tail rasp, and two tail grouper" Mark Erdmann
He did not disagree when Bali is relatively polluted waters. Although found in many plastics, flows around the island of Bali is very strong that dirty water that comes out quickly drawn into the waters of Bali, he said.
The survey was conducted by Conservation International Indonesia in collaboration with the University Warmadewa DKP Bali and at the request of the governor of Bali in terms of network implementation plan marine conservation area in Bali.
There are 25 places that have been identified as a potential conservation area.

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Latest movie about Lady Diana

British documentary film titled Unlawful Killing become one of the movies that attract media attention at the Cannes Film Festival this year. 

The film according to the author claimed to be enlightened on some issues related to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997.

When the press release took place during the premiere, directed by Keith Allen repeatedly asked about the new evidence revealed that he believed this film. 

Allen refused to give an explanation about information that mentions that the film was funded by businessman Mohamed Al Fayed, with mengatkan it did not need to be explained in the movie because it could interfere with the way the story.
Previously, Conor Nolan, spokesman for Al Fayed said that if the former owner of Harrods was given £ 2.5 million to create the documentary.
The boy Al Fayed, Dodi, was in a car with Diana when the accident happened, including who participated killed was the driver Henri Paul.
While the survivor, Trevor Rees-Jones, was not incorporated into this film.
Unlawful Killing structurally the same as a number of documentaries have ever seen on TV.
The narrative was read by Allen, consists of a combination of pieces of pictures, new interviews, graphics and reset at the scene and the inspection process in London.
Only music that sounds a bit like a movie theater.
Another scene that provoked controversy is black and white display graphic images that show the face of Diana and Dodi Al Fayed shortly after the Paris car crash claimed the lives of them.
It is unclear whether this film will be aired in the UK or not. But some British lawyers suggested that a number of editorial modified to be incorporated into the London Film Festival.

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About Marijuana

Cannabis is the third most popular drug in America (behind only alcohol and tobacco), and has been used by nearly 100 million Americans. According to government surveys, some 25 million Americans have smoked marijuana within the past year, and more than 14 million do so regularly despite harsh laws prohibit its use. Public policy must reflect this reality.Cannabis is not harmful than alcohol or tobacco. About 50,000 people die every year due to alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year due to smoking. For comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and can not cause death because of an overdose. According to the prestigious European medical journal, The Lancet, "The smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to HEALTH." Makes sense if marijuana is not as a threat than alcohol and tobacco.
NORML strongly supports the abolition of all penalties for private property and responsible use of marijuana by adults, including the cultivation for personal use, and sales. This policy, known as decriminalization, remove consumer law or the smokers of cannabis from the criminal justice system.
More than 30 percent of U.S. population lives under some form of decriminalization law, and according to the government and academic research, these laws do not contribute to increased consumption of marijuana negative effects for adolescents as well as attitudes toward drug use.
Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs taxpayers about $ 10 billion per year and the arrest of more than 847,000 people per year - far more than the number of detainees for all violent crimes combined, including murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault.
Of those charged with marijuana violations, approximately 89 percent, 754,224 was charged for possession. The remaining 93 640 persons indicted for "sales / cultivation," a category that includes all cultivation offenses, even those where the marijuana is being grown for personal or medical use. In previous years, about 30 percent of those arrested were age 19 years or younger.
Finally, NORML supports the development of a legally controlled market, where consumers could buy marijuana for personal use from a safe source of law. This policy, generally known as legalization, there are at various levels in several European countries like Holland and Switzerland, both of which enjoy a lower rate than those who used marijuana in the United States. Such a system would reduce many of the problems currently associated with marijuana prohibition, including crime, corruption and violence associated with the "black market."

Reasons Why Marijuana Harmful

For more than 3000 years, many people in Africa and Asia who use cannabis in various dosage forms, is consumed in the form of cigarettes, sometimes mixed with tobacco, some are mixed with meat jerky or mixed in drinks.

Realizing the danger of impact that can be caused by the use of marijuana, based on the Act - Act No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics, the Government set the pot (along with opium (and its various derivatives), cocaine, heroin and some other types of narcotics), including the Narcotics Group I ( one) which means that should only be used for the purpose of development of science and in no way be used in any therapy because of very high potential to cause dependence.
Cannabis has a lot of terms among the users or junkies like cimeng, Rasta, rehab, gelek, culture club, Pepen, Hawaii, marijuana, dope, weed, hemp, hash (hasish), pot, joint, sinsemilla, grass, and hundreds of names Other streets that spread throughout the world for the naming of marijuana. Just like the term, marijuana is also widely spread in different parts of other countries, mainly in the country - a country of tropical and sub tropical climates such as in Indonesia, India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Colombia, Jamaica, southern Russia, Korea, and the United States (Iowa). Cannabis is in Latin called cannabis, has some form of tobacco leaves as green, there are fingered five, seven, or nine pieces of leaves in each leaf stem.

In the latest research on marijuana, found there are 3 (three) types of cannabis plants namely: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. The three types of cannabis plants were all contain THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) are different - different levels of levels for each type. Type Indica Cannabis contains THC at most, followed by type of Cannabis sativa, and type Ruderalis Cannabis contains THC at least. Psychoactive substance THC itself is a hallucinatory effect and have the whole of the cannabis plant, both leaves, branches, or seeds. Because the THC content of this is, then every person who misuse psychoactive effects of cannabis will be exposed to very dangerous.
In such a dangerous element of THC in marijuana, so for people who abuse marijuana for the first time only, will soon experience intoxication (poisoning) that marijuana is physically are: heart palpitations (rapid heart rate be increased from the previous 50%), reddened eyeballs ( caused dilation of capillary blood vessels in the eyeball), dry mouth (because the content of THC disrupt the autonomic nervous system that control the salivary glands), increased appetite (because the content of THC stimulates the appetite center in the brain), and fell asleep (after waking from sleep, physical impact will be lost).
The psychic, abuse of marijuana also cause considerable harmful impacts such as the emergence of a sense of worry (ansienitas) for 10-30 minutes, the incidence of depression and fear of death, anxiety, being hyperactive (increased motor activity to excess), visual hallucinations (in the form flashes of light, color - bright colors, amorfiaq, shapes - geometric shapes, and faces - the faces of the figures. It may also be in the form of visual and auditory sensory perception without a stimulus, like seeing people pass by but no one passing by, heard a voice but no sound), changing perceptions of time and space (eg, one meter was perceived ten feet, ten minutes perceived one hour), are experiencing euphoric (feeling happy excessive), laughing - laughing for no reason (without stimulation that should make people laugh), a lot of talk (feel great conversation), feels light on the entire limb loss, easily influenced, suspect (but do not cause fear, and even tends to scoff and laugh at), feel more enjoy the music, experiencing excessive self-confidence (feeling great despite the appearance of his most in fact the opposite), experienced synesthesia (eg, see the yellow color every time I hear a certain tone), and drowsy and slept soundly without dreams after experiencing hallucinations of sight for about 2 (two) hours.
What about the abuse of cannabis in low and medium dose? The impact is also as dangerous, such as having hilaritas (make a scene), experiencing euphoria oquacous (euphoria laughing - laughing non-stop), change the perception of space and time, reducing the ability of coordination, consideration, and memory, have increased sensitivity to visual and auditory (but more toward hallucinations), have conjunctivitis (inflammation of the airways), and having bronchitis (inflammation of the lungs - pulmonary).
On the abuse of cannabis with high doses, the impact caused a marijuana abusers will experience the illusion (delusion), delusional (too much emphasis on the belief that is not real), depression (mental pressure), confusion, experiencing alienation (alienation), and hallucinations (sometimes, also accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as fear and aggression).
Dangers of cannabis abuse on a regular basis and prolonged fatal form of physical disorders and psychological disorders. Physical disorders such as: having pneumonia - lung, suffered respiratory irritation and swelling, suffered damage to the coronary blood flow and likely to cause an attack of chest pain, a higher cancer risk (because of its carcinogenic found in marijuana are much higher than in tobacco ), decreased immune system so susceptible to disease (because of the abuse of cannabis suppress the production of leukocytes), and decreasing growth hormone levels of both hormones thyroxine (thyroid hormone) and as well as sex hormones in men - men and women. In addition, the physical disruption caused also caused a reduction of sperm production in men - men and menstrual disorders and abortions in women.
Meanwhile, psychic disorders due to abuse of marijuana on a regular basis and prolonged cause: decreased ability to think, read, speak, count, and get along with, disruption of psychomotor function (the body's movements become slow), the tendency to avoid difficulty and underestimated the problem, not thinking about the future, and occurrence amotivasional syndrome (do not have a fighting spirit.)
Can we imagine, how terrible danger caused by the abuse of cannabis, even to stop someone who is already accustomed to consuming cannabis is also not easy. This is considering the impacts resulting from the cessation of cannabis abuse is no less dangerous, namely the emergence of withdrawal symptoms (â €?? Withdrawal syndromeâ €??) Like insomnia (difficulty sleeping), nausea, myalgia, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, fever , sweating, decreased appetite, photophobia (fear of light), depression (can result in the victim committed suicide desperate), confusion, yawning, diarrhea, weight loss (as a result of decreased appetite), and tremor (body always shaking). To maintain and restore the victims of abusers of cannabis, it takes care and rehabilitation therapy in an integrated manner that is now being organized by various NGOs and Government Agencies who œconcernâ € â €? to the problem of drug abuse and illicit trafficking.
Now, we've seen all of the hazards and the impact of cannabis abuse, as noted above. Our task is to prevent any further lest any family member, friend, friend, companion taulan, or people - those around us are exposed to snare drug abuse and illicit trafficking, particularly marijuana.

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